
海へと視界が抜ける 眺望の住宅

海を臨む伊豆の家 A House with an Ocean View in Izu

2017年 新築 混構造


施工   ATインターナショナル株式会社(ASJ品川スタジオ)
構造設計 株式会社 ステラジアン 原田順三
照明   株式会社 ライト 
撮影   スターリン・エルメンドルフ

designboom 掲載

houzz 注目記事:海を臨むリゾートホテルのような家

Japan Brand Collection 2019掲載
Japan Brand Collection 2020掲載


絶景のリゾート風住宅|東京と大阪で設計する建築家の新築02 1階のボックスは、玄関や趣味の倉庫に利用しています。階段の途中に設けた書斎は、デスクの高さを外のデッキ床と揃えて、日常とは異なる視点を下げた景色を楽しめるようにしています。
絶景のリゾート風住宅|東京と大阪で設計する建築家の新築03 伊豆は海の幸の宝庫です。釣った魚と、庭で育てた野菜とともに季節を楽しむ日々…。自治体との換地交渉や国立公園の建築許可を含め、竣工までは予期せぬ困難もありましたが、辛抱強く待ってくださったご夫妻に感謝するとともに、気持ちの良い家ができたことを嬉しく思います。
The site the client had found was on a hilltop with a panoramic nature view in Izu Peninsula.
The living space needed to be raised onto the second floor level in order to enjoy the ocean view.
The house was designed to place a transparent structure on rock boxes which look like fortresses.
On the second floor, you can see the sky through the glass panels, whereas on the first floor, the eyes are lead to the greenery peaking between the rock boxes.
絶景のリゾート風住宅|東京と大阪で設計する建築家の新築05 The rock boxes on the first floor are utilized as the entrance and storage space.
The den is situated halfway up the stairs and the height of the desk in the den is on a level with the height of the balcony floor, which allows you to enjoy a different view from the lower-than-the-ordinary viewpoint.
On the second floor, both sides - facing southeast and northwest - of the walls are glass-sided, providing a panoramic view of the rise and fall of the sun as well as the change of seasons.
The private area of the house is located in the center, away from the windows at both sides, ensuring that essential facilities for living would not obstruct the great view.
Different views can be seen depending on where you are in the house, and the view would shift as time passes by. 絶景のリゾート風住宅|東京と大阪で設計する建築家の新築07 Name of the architecture / A House with an Ocean View in Izu
Location / Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan
Architects: Takahiro & Mika Hiraoka, Hiroaki Mizobuchi from Hiraoka Architects
Structural Designer: Jyunzo Harada from Steradian Associates
ARCHITECTS STUDIO JAPAN INC. Shinagawa Studio [AT International Inc. ]
Construction Method−−
Main Construction: mixed structure [1st floor: wall type reinforced concrete structure, 2nd floor: timber structure]