
水辺のヴィラハウス Waterside Villa House

2018年 改装


施工 ATインターナショナル(ASJ品川スタジオ)
照明 株式会社 ライト
撮影 笹の倉舎 笹倉洋平


大阪の北摂住宅の全面改装リノベーション。中庭型に水盤をつくり、タイルやガラス、金属、木材など素材を多く使用した リゾート空間に変えていくために、いくつかの工夫をしました。内外をつなぐものとして、50角2丁の深目地タイルを製作。庭を囲むタイルの塀は、同じ質感で室内の壁面へつながります。木造住宅ゆえに庭の地面と内部床のレベル差が大きく、普通に水盤をつくると、腰かけた視点から水面が見えなくなります。テラス面を1FLのレベルまで上げて、水面もそのレベル近くに設定して親水感を強めました。庇を延ばして内部からの視界を絞りこむことで、隣の建物の近接による現実感を解消しました。庇は直射日光を遮ること、軒下が広がり内外をよりスムーズにつなぐことのためにも効いています。ダイニングにあったシャンデリアは、ダイニングから見える階段室の踊り場に移設しました。外光が多いダイニングでは感じられなかった、光を孕むような輝きを放っています。階段室からはシャンデリア越しに水盤を見ることができます。2階へ上がりきれば以前の暮らしの雰囲気が感じられるアンティークな家具が置かれているコーナーが広がります。
This is a renovation of a wooden house built in a quiet residential area. The owner couple were interested in the house we previously designed (the Resort Life Renovation, published in A-collection Issue No. 20), and they were seeking emotional experience from a composition of materials and a sense of healing through water features.
We made some attempts to transform the house into a resort space. We produced 50mm x 100mm tiles with deep joints to connect the inside and outside. The tiled fence that surrounds the garden connects to the walls inside maintaining the same texture. Because this is a wooden house where the level difference between the ground of the garden and the floor inside is large, if a water feature is created in a conventional manner, it will be impossible to see the surface of the water from a seated position.
The terrace surface was raised to the first-floor level, and the water surface was set close to that level to enhance the intimacy with water. By extending the eaves and narrowing the perspective from the inside, the sense of reality due to the proximity to the adjacent buildings was dissolved. The eaves are also effective in blocking direct sunlight and expanding the space under the eaves to connect the inside and outside more seamlessly.
The chandelier in the dining room was relocated to the landing of the staircase that can be seen from the dining room. It shines as if it were impregnated with light, which could not be felt in the dining room with a great deal of outside light. From the staircase, the water feature can be seen beyond the chandelier. Up on the second floor, one finds a corner with antique furniture that retains the atmosphere of the previous living.
The effect of the proximity to the water feature is great. The light from the water surface enters the interior of the house as indirect light during much of the day, giving character to the high ceiling of the dining room. One can relax at the two terraces by the water, which may be used as an outside dining space for a barbecue, and at night as an outside living space to enjoy a glass of wine or two. 大阪の北摂住宅の全面改装リノベーション。中庭型に水盤をつくり、タイルやガラス、金属、木材など素材を多く使用した We have been told by the owner couple that, looking at the surface of the water, they “become oblivious of time ...” We have also heard that home parties are held taking advantage of these interior and exterior spaces full of aspects to enjoy and the wife, who is good at cooking, wields her skills. The house has been transformed into a luxurious and soothing place where the hotel-like extraordinariness that its guests would feel can be felt as part of everyday life.