

2016年 新築 木造2階建




構造設計 一級建築士事務所ステラジアン 原田順三
設備設計 創健社設備設計 大森將大
照明計画 株式会社ライト

施工   有限会社 泉頭工務店

撮影   スターリン エルメンドルフ
歯科医院デザインcatalog2 掲載

Japan Brand Collection 2021掲載

クリニックの建物には果たすべき多くの機能があります。それらの検討には、運営側からの合理性が求められがちです。また建物は経済の産物でもあります。 面積を大きくすると建設費が上がるので、ここにも要素を詰め込むよう な合理性が求められがちです。

巷の建物の多くは上記のように、身体と建物の関係である動線計画と経済性だけの検討に偏り、心理的な考慮が欠落しがちです。 しかし気持ちがいいということは、多くの建物が果たすべき大きな機能ではないでしょうか。
患者様とスタッフの動線分離、完全個室診療、スタッフの動きが時々患者さんから見える配置、患者様に建物の広い範囲を歩いて楽しんでいただく、というコンセプトを理事長先生がお持ちでした。 プライバシーに配慮しながら、スタッフの働きを見て安心いただき、快適で楽しく通院していただけるクリニックを提供する、と言い換えることができるでしょう。
歯科医院での動線分離には、診療室内で患者さんが廊下側を向き、ドアしか見 えないという弱点があります。その解消のために、個室診療室の間に中庭を配置して植栽や空を見ることが出来るようにしました。 診療室をつなぐ廊下は自ずと長くなり、患者さんもより広い範囲を歩くことになります。植栽が見えたり、街並みがみえたりと長い廊下を楽しめるようにしました。
A clinic building has many functions to perform. To develop them, the management personal tends to require consideration into rationality. Also, buildings are a product of the economy. As the construction cost increases if the construction area increases, rationality is also required to control the design components.
As mentioned above, many of the buildings are designed taking into account only the flow lines plan, which is the relationship between the human body and the building, and the economic efficiency, but tend to lack psychological consideration. However, is not being comfortable a major function that many buildings should perform?
The clinic director had the concept of separating the flow lines of patients and staff, providing complete private consultation rooms, arranging staff flow lines so that the patients can see their movements, and having patients enjoy walking in a wide area of the building. In other words,
we provide a clinic where patients privacy is protected, and they can feel at ease by seeing the work of the staff.

The flow plan in a dental clinic has the problem that the patient faces the corridor side in the consulting room and only can see the door. To solve this, we placed a courtyard between each consulting room so that the patients could see the plants and the sky. The corridor connecting the consulting rooms extends long so patients will have to walk a longer distance. Patients can enjoy the long corridor with the view of the plants and the cityscape.

The façade design is structure so that the boxes of the private consulting rooms are confined by the frame of the corridor, emphasizing the length of the building and giving a vivid impression to the city.
From the waiting room, through the courtyard it can be seen the staff flow line and the technician room. Please enjoy the changes of time, weather and seasons surrounded by a resort hotel-like interior.
By moving up and down, through the atrium you can feel the complexly overlapping landscape changes. Long corridors for flow lines separation usually mean extra construction costs not found in regular dental offices. In addition, to handle such a wide building plenty of private consulting rooms, the moving distance of doctors and staff will be larger, and a great effort on the management side will be required.
But overcoming this with a joyful mind will makes possible a wonderful medical technology and hospitality that we hope you enjoy.