
とみ皮膚科クリニック TOMI Dermatology Clinic

2015年 新築 鉄骨造2階建




構造設計   一級建築士事務所ステラジアン 原田順三
ロゴデザイン wip・er graphics inc. 小田切信二
施工     株式会社 石井組
照明     株式会社 ライト
撮影     スターリン・エルメンドルフ



 This is a dermatology clinic built alongside a roadway leading to Mt. Fuji.

The site has a narrow frontage, therefore the exterior of the building needs to have a bold impact for increasing visibility. Façade is made from a combination of typical earth tone colors, while aluminum joint pieces dividing those colors exaggerate horizontality of the building.[A1] Striking impression of the exterior gives liveliness to the townscape, even though the exterior has small openings. For securing the parking space, this building utilized pilotis style. 3 light wells, vertically penetrating the building volume, are provided for distributing daylight to the shady part of the building, while paying attention to the patients of the clinic not to receive direct sunlight. The sky and the ground is linked by those light wells, and gentle, reflected light fills the interior spaces and the ground area.
  Sunlight lit trees, standing in the elevated planters at the ground level, reach to the same level of the waiting room, and its vibrant yet relaxing interior space encloses the trees. Subtle forms in controlled tone of colors with various textures add character to each corner of the interior spaces.
静岡県富士市のとみ美容皮膚科クリニックは東京で病院設計の平岡建築デザインの医院です This building achieved sophisticated quality suitable for the clinic director, who is a bright and graceful female doctor, and the building is standing with Mt. Fuji as its background.